One Shower at a Time

Suds Of the Earth Logo
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Personal Bath Products

Our endeavor is to bring our family ideals to the greater community by striving for better Self Care with natural ingredients that maintain the beauty of the Earth

Our  Eco-friendly Personal Care Products

1 review for Bath Bombs

  1. mm

    Great product!

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About Us and Our Personal Care Products

The Suds of the Earth family is dedicated to the community and strives for environmental protection. At Suds of the Earth, we strive to bring quality, eco-friendly, and clean products to our customers. We are a family company that was founded in Akron, Ohio. Together, we were inspired by the need for clean products and responsible maintenance of the Earth. As a family, we envisioned an idea that would help the community while protecting the environment. We came up with the idea offering shampoo and conditioner bars that we were already enjoying and available locally to help others make simple and helpful choices that have a beneficial impact on the Earth. We envisioned that our company would provide the community around us with these essentials for both self-care and self-awareness while also protecting the environment and wildlife. For the past few years, we have strived to spread our message and our quality products. Help us to further expand our goal and mission.

Our endeavor is to bring our family ideals to the greater community by striving for better care for themselves with natural ingredients that maintain the beauty of the Earth.

Our quality shampoo and conditioning bars are made from various ingredients such as, essential oils, cocoa butter, and natural extracts. These enriching and clean ingredients are made to strengthen and nourish your skin and hair. Our additional products uphold the same healthy and nourishing ingredients and standards. In addition, we strive for all of our products to be vegan and cruelty free. The Suds of the Earth family is dedicated to the community and striving for environmental protection.

From our family to yours, help us clean the Earth one shower at a time.